By the decision of the management and the Board of Trustees of the International Charitable Foundation of Humanitarian Interaction (ICF) the title of Honorary (VIP) Member of the Foundation was introduced.
The title “Honorary (VIP) Member of the ICF” is the highest award of the Foundation.
The title “Honorary (VIP) Member of the ICF” can be awarded by the decision of the management and the Board of Trustees to:
a) persons who have made large monetary donations to the Foundation,
b) persons who have rendered special services to the society,
c) persons who have exceptional merits in the field of charity, philanthropy and organization of humanitarian interaction.
The initiative to award the title “Honorary (VIP) Member of the ICF” can belong to the collegial bodies of the ICF and its structural subdivisions, heads of the Fund’s Staff, heads of commercial and non-commercial organizations created by the Fund.
The title “Honorary (VIP) Member of the ICF” entitles its holder to participate in meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Fund with the right of advisory vote, the right to represent the interests of the Fund in negotiations with outside organizations interested in the work of the Fund, as well as the right to apply for a place in the governing bodies of the Fund.
The person awarded with the title “Honorary (VIP) Member of the International Charity Foundation of Humanitarian Interaction” receives an Honorary Certificate, indicating the assignment of the title “VIP Member of the ICF”.